Notice – Use Of Ghana Card For All Financial Transactions

BANK OF GHANAE S T. 1 9 5 7BANK OF GHANANOTICE TO ALL LICENSED FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ANDTHE GENERAL PUBLICNOTICE NO. BG/GOV/SEC/01USE OF GHANA CARD FOR ALL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS In furtherance of its objective of ensuring the safety of the financial system, Bankof Ghana pursuant to Regulation 7 of the National Identity Register, 2012 (L.I.2111), hereby directs that with effect from 1st July, 2022, the Ghana Card shallbe the only identification card that will be to undertake transactions at all Bankof Ghana licensed and regulated financial institutions including:i. Banks;ii. Specialised Deposit-Taking Institutions;iii. Non-Deposit-Taking Financial Institutions;iv. Payment Service Providers and Dedicated Electronic...

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Notice – Abolition Of Fees & Charges

1BANK OF GHANANOTICE TO BANKS AND SPECIALISED DEPOSIT-TAKINGINSTITUTIONS (SDIs)NOTICE NO. BG/GOV/SEC/2021/12ABOLITION OF UNFAIR FEES, CHARGES AND OTHERPRACTICES IN THE BANKING SECTOR The Bank of Ghana has observed with concern, a trend where some Banksand Specialized Deposit-Taking Institutions (SDIs) impose certain fees andcharges on customers. These practices are deemed to be unfair,inappropriate and detrimental to the financial inclusion agenda and theprotection of customers’ interest.In line with the mandate of the Bank of Ghana to deal with unlawful orimproper practices of banks and SDIs under Section 3 of the Banks andSpecialised Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act 930) and toensure that the interest...

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